Our Trips

Tours & Packages

Visit the Best of Peru: Paracas & Ballestas Islands, huacachina sandboarding, Nazca Lines, Arequipa & The Colca Canyon, Titicaca Lake, Cusco, Rainbow Mountain, Sacred Valley & Machupicchu. This tour is for those who wish to see the whole of Peru in just over two weeks. We plan this entire itinerary for your ease and the simplicity of seeing as many places during your trip to Peru.

Camino Inca

Lima, Huaraz, Arequipa, Puno & Cusco

18 Days/17 Nights
Availability: April - November
Difficulty: Moderate


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Camino Inca

Cusco, Puno, Arequipa, Nasca, Ica & Paracas

17 Days/16 Nights
Availability: April - November
Difficulty: Moderate


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